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How can
You help transform the
How can you turn fear and anger into compassionate action?
How can you be in service to a safer future?
How could you grow the power of your own heart?

What is The Mighty Heart?

There is no doubt that we live in conflicted times. From the immediate challenges the world is facing to our unresolved systemic problems, we are witnessing increasing division everywhere.

Your body contains a powerful engine which is more than a life-saver. Your heart contains a deep well of wisdom to guide you when you’re lost. It has a reservoir of courage to deal with your anger and fear. It enables you to listen deeply to others, and to your own truth. We witness increasing division everywhere. New skills are vitally needed, at personal and political levels.

The Mighty Heart Course offers skills that help each one of us to transform the sense of loss and overload that so many people are feeling today. It enables us to listen, to turn anger into a fuel for change, to develop the presence needed in a crisis, to consult the wisdom of the heart – and to heal conflict and the resulting divisions in families, companies, communities and countries.

The Mighty Heart Course & Teaching builds on learnings, lessons and experiences from change makers from all over the world

Transforming Conflict

The Mighty Heart Online Course deals pragmatically with the sense of loss and overload that so many people are feeling today.

It helps break down silos in companies and communities, leading to healthier and more constructive environments.

While Artificial Intelligence may mimic the human brain, the intelligence of the heart cannot be taught to a machine. The human capacities for intuition, for example, or integrity, or compassion come not from the head but from the heart, and cannot be replaced by a machine.

Your heart has unique powers that work as follows:

Courage, to take a stand that may be unpopular

Altruism, to act from a generous spirit

Self-awareness, to spot what we’re up to

Empathy, to go one step beyond sympathy, into action

Deep listening, to resolve conflict by being able to repeat back what we heard

Forgiveness, the ability to open up when you’ve been hurt.

Wisdom in Action

The Mighty Heart builds on the learnings, lessons and experiences from change-makers around the world, and honours their contributions.

Everybody can cultivate their capacity to listen, manage difficult conversations and beat the current confusion and overwhelm  by developing right brain intelligence, taming their inner critic, and discovering the initiatives latent in the heart.

Dr Scilla Elworthy’s book The Mighty Heart in Action shows how.


If you have any questions about the Mighty Heart or forthcoming please email us on 


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