Your journey
8 modules over 10 weeks delivered online will offer you:
What breaks your heart? When we own the loss, the grief, and the anger in our lives, we can discover and tap into a vast energy for change. Opening the heart makes compassion possible. Heart centred communication can change family life, transform negotiations and even stop a killing.
Deep Listening. Fully listening to another person, especially someone you dislike, can enable insight and start a process of profound connection and understanding. It takes practice, but once learned can reveal vital information that you both can use to prevent and resolve conflict.
Taming your Inner Critic. This module enables those (90%) of us) who are plagued by Imposter Syndrome, to transform this inner critic into an ally, and even a guide. The taming process includes a much-heightened awareness, and access to tools that work with this energetic force.
Cleaning Anger. We learn how to notice the rising tide of our anger, examine it, and then turn its power into an internal fuel that ultimately gives us the energy to put right cruelty and injustice. This transformation can change lives.
Developing Presence. Using pure alert awareness, train yourself to have the kind of innate presence that is powerful enough not only to de-fuse a tense situation but can even save lives. Herein lies a great true story.
Heart Intelligence. Left-brain linear thinking is obsessed with argument, results, measurement, and ‘winning’. As you develop the intelligence of the heart, when faced by an apparently insoluble problem your intuition will begin to see the whole picture and use compassion to find solutions that benefit all.
Taking a Stand. When faced by an issue you care about, learn to be able to stand up, stand your ground, and deliver your message with courage, clarity, presence and purpose. You know what that looks like. You can do it.
You are in Service. The major decision reached by the Business Plan for Peace team last year is that The Mighty Heart has a huge role to play in re-balancing the current consumer mantra: “what can I get?” with a new passion: “what can I give?”. This course enables you to be part of the millions worldwide who have decided to be in service to building a safer future for all.
All these skills require one thing…the expansion of the heart. Each module is backed by exercises and small group discussions, and participants are provided with a workbook that fully illustrates all the material with stories and space for personal reflection.
Your teachers
Change-makers and experts on heart intelligence from around the world provide you with the real possibility of transformation.