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For individuals

Your journey

10 modules over 10 weeks delivered online will offer you:

  • The skill of deep listening to transform the conflicts people are facing
  • Compassionate communication needed to prevent arguments escalating
  • A way to change your inner critic into a wise guide
  • The skill to use anger as a fuel for transformation
  • The sense of your own strong presence to call on in a crisis
  • A way to develop intuition as a wise guide in making decisions
  • Enlargement of your capacity to speak truth to power
  • The skill to take a stand on an issue you care about and be fully heard
  • The integrity to be in service to the world, like Nelson Mandela

All these skills require one thing…the expansion of the heart. Each module is backed by exercises and small group discussions, and participants are provided with a workbook that fully illustrates all the material with stories and space for personal reflection.

Your teachers

Change-makers and experts on heart intelligence from around the world provide you with the real possibility of transformation.

Dr. Scilla Elworthy

Founder, The Mighty Heart and Business Plan for Peace

Liz Kingsnorth

International NVC Trainer

Nicholas Janni

Founder, Leader as Healer Program

Sheva Carr

Director HeartMath

Mac Macartney

Founder Embercombe

Gulalai Ismail

Founder, Aware Girls

Jo Berry

Founder, Building Bridges of Peace

Dylan Mathews

CEO, Peace Direct

Robert Browning

Director HeartMath

Your words

Testimonials from previous participants on the course


“One of the most powerful transformation and growth processes that I have experienced in community.
The energy field, wisdom and alignment of this program is amazing.”

– Aleka Vial, Journalist and Executive Director and Founder of Fundación Hypatia, Chile


“Words cannot express what my time in the Mighty Heart Course has meant to me. The combination of the facilitators, the speakers and the assignments were perfect. The participants connected in a way that surprised me given that the course was online. The sessions were intense and thought-provoking, but everyone was open and willing to share and listen without judgement. This made for a very enriching experience. The course has made me very aware of my place in the world, the role I play and how my words and actions can affect those around me. I can feel the change within me. I also am eternally grateful to have made a connection with some very special people. People that I hope I will remain in touch with for a very long time. I feel privileged to have experienced the Mighty Heart.”

– Priti Sesha, Finance & Operations Director, Oxford Research Group


“Change and transformation are possible! As a practitioner with over 35 years of experience in coaching, training, team development and facilitation of change processes, I see the tremendous value of this thoughtful and thought-through Mighty Heart programme for other individuals, teams and organisations. And I’m more than willing to help make this approach of the Mighty Heart become part of a growing grassroots movement, building more inner and outer peace in this world.”

– Helga Lensch, Facilitator of Group & Team Processes, Organization Developer, Executive Trainer,
Personal Coach, Journalist


The Mighty Heart in Business programme, an 8-week online course dedicated to corporate changemakers. Please sign up for our waiting list to be notified about our next launch date.

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