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The Mighty Heart Course

We live in complex and challenging times. Innovation and teamwork are too often held back by an inability to constructively manage disagreement.

The Mighty Heart invites you and your teams to transform these frustrations into effective communication and collaborative actions, contributing to purpose-driven leadership.

By learning from inspirational leaders with experience of the most challenging conflicts around the world, the course for organisations will show you how to use conflict and crises successfully as a source for transformation.

We listen to your challenges and bring forward the components of the course that will help you the most; whether that be decision-making, communication, well-being, values or purpose. We work with small leadership teams to groups of more than 150 people.


You and your team will learn how to shift energy; from anger and anxiety to action; from fatigue to service, developing an overall safer and thriving atmosphere at work.

You’ll learn how by listening deeply to someone who is angry or aggressive, you can completely transform the interaction. It helps you build a presence that solves problems, for example when you take a stand on an issue you care about.

Some people think that the heart belongs only in the home, or in religion, but you’ll get to see how powerfully effective the heart can be at work, achieving results.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

“We need individuals like Dr Elworthy to start the work of preventing war…this has been my personal dream for many years.”

Sir Mark Rylance
Actor and former artistic director, Globe Theatre

“Dr Scilla Elworthy has always inspired such hope in my world. Her insights spring from a deep faith in people. A faith founded on years of research and deep thinking about how we resolve conflict without war.”

Angela Gallenz
previously Head of Human Resources, Central Europe for H&M

“The Mighty Heart course is a lighthouse to find your way back to your heart to open up to find your real compassion!”

Your journey

Over the course of ten weekly modules, our experts show how tension can be used as a source for transformation. We listen to your challenges and bring forward the components of the course that will help you the most; whether decision-making, communication, well-being, values or purpose.

Each module is backed by exercises and small group discussions, and participants are provided with a workbook that illustrates the material with stories and space for personal reflection.

This course offers you the skills of conflict transformation to develop your inner power and awareness, creating a shift to an open, collaborative atmosphere at work:

  • Deep listening and compassionate communication
  • A way to change your inner critic into a wise guide
  • The ability to use anger as a fuel for positive transformation
  • The sense of your own strong presence and intuition
  • Improve decision-making in a crisis
  • Developing your capacity to speak truth to power
  • The skill to take a stand on an issue you care about and
  • Being in service to the world

Your teachers

Change-makers and experts on heart intelligence from around the world provide you with the real possibility of transformation.

Dr. Scilla Elworthy

Founder, The Mighty Heart and Business Plan for Peace

Liz Kingsnorth

International NVC Trainer

Nicholas Janni

Founder, Leader as Healer Program

Sheva Carr

Director, HeartMath

Mac Macartney

Founder, Embercombe

Gulalai Ismail

Founder, Aware Girls

Jo Berry

Founder, Building Bridges of Peace

Dylan Mathews

CEO, Peace Direct

Robert Browning

Director HeartMath

Fritz Lensch

Lead Facilitator Mighty Heart

Our Latest Programmes

We will publish information about courses as they become available.

Please email Sophia on if you are interested in Mighty Heart courses for your organisation.

Oliver Lange, Head of H&M Beyond

“The Mighty Heart Course reveals emotions that might have otherwise been covered up. It is a powerful new way to connect with colleagues as we encounter each other as humans, not only colleagues. The trust within the course allows for an open heart, vulnerable but irresistibly genuine. Thank you!”

Ankur Kamalia
Former Managing Director at Deutsche Börse Group and UBS

“I signed up for the Mighty Heart Course, knowing how much work I had still to do in order to learn to effectively manage conflicts and see how I would be of service to the world. The course structure, the master facilitators, teachers, and hosts, the community and the integrated tools used, have enabled me to live from my heart and with more authenticity, compassion and listening. The course with its intense 10-week journey is a must for those who are curious, who want to make a difference and want to further our collective work towards building a better future.”

Angela Gallenz
Head of Human Resources, Central Europe H&M

“In a world where people are facing more and more uncertainty, loneliness, complexity and conflicts we all need new perspectives on how to develop in these times. The Mighty Heart course is a lighthouse to find your way back to your heart to open up to find your real compassion! Guided by Scilla Elworthy and outstanding visionary leaders you will get a deep dive into an awakening heart-driven leadership approach. This 10 week course will bring you back to all the fundamental questions which really matter in your life – for you, your loved ones and the world. Deeply grateful that I had the possibility to be a part of this wonderful journey and develop further.”

Your peers

Ready for transformation?

Learn more about the course for you by contacting our team. Please include your priorities and who you’d like to host the course for. We look forward to hearing from you.

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